A Short film by Tatiana W Doroshenko
One Liner
Ruth gets her catharsis in her abandoned city.
Short Synopsis
During COVID lockdown in Melbourne, Ruth returns to a now abandoned office space to remember a traumatic experience and to reclaim the space for herself. She has her catharsis, but will she get busted?
This short was made on a small budget near the end of COVID lockdown in Melbourne Australia, allowing us to capture an authenticity in the abandoned spaces and exteriors. The imagery and story are inspired and informed by the experience of living in the CBD during this time.
It explores trauma memories as carved into spaces, mental and physical, and ideas around reclaiming these spaces that fester with the remnants of nasty stories, some from many years ago.
I worked with dance artists to express the psychological through the body with an aim to integrate dance into the screen drama in an organic way. I engaged Japanese-Australian Butoh artist Yumi Umiumare as choreographer, working with the lead actor Dana Miltins, known for her physical theatre work with The Rabble.
We were funded by a Melbourne City Council Quick Response Arts Grant and by many kind crowd funders and in-kind-ers, with Auspicious Arts managing finances. Post production sound involved sound engineering students at RMIT City campus.
World Premiere Melbourne International Film Festival